Many thoughts crossed my mind upon finding out I was pregnant. Most of them were less thoughts and more exclamations... Whoa! Okay! Oh my gosh! This is happening! I fluctuated between excitement and nervousness, because that's the only two rational feelings I could make sense of. I also felt this overwhelming sensation, but tried to press that down. The days dragged on and feelings of nauseousness and exhaustion consumed me. I felt so uncomfortable with my self, between gags and bouts of getting up and moving around just so I wouldn't fall asleep. These weeks happened during quarantine. I found out all of 3 days into the #StayHome order and suddenly, like everyone else, I was cut off from the outside world of human interaction and the accountability to stay normal. For those first couple of months, I was challenged to get online, show my face on a call, and to get out of bed. Exhausted. Tired. My first sonogram I nervously put on a facemask and walked into the clinic. ...