Division: The American Church

"There is the great danger of taking pride in knowing and being associated with important people. Most of us feel like nobodies in a world where the media are constantly holding up the desirability of being well known. So the way millions of people try to satisfy this desire is to line up behind someone who is somebody."
- John Piper
1 Corinthians 1:10-31
Division. The definition of the American "Christian" church. Why? Have we come so far as to trail away from the cross onto a path that is not narrow, but in fact quite wide? This wide path can seem so appealing to those of us who crave a belonging to belong. This includes all things Americanized: clothing, houses, schools, demographics, degrees, jobs, career paths, income... all things that if used for the glory of God, could be good. Instead we, the people (sarcasm implied), in order to form a more perfect union established justice on the basis of evil.

I can't speak too much on this matter because it IS a new area in which I intend to study. Not really division so much as UNITY in Christ. One of His fingers is not better than the other, and the Holy Spirit is not more superior than Jesus Christ. In an attempt graciously and submissively read scripture, God put it on my heart to read 1 Corinthians. Praise, for I didn't think about it, but America today, I believe would look ALOT like Corinth then. Immorality yelling at every corner with a desire to consume those who seek belonging in something of the world.

Friends, this chase is not from the good knowledge, but the knowledge that seeks to kill you. So often I chase after this "need" to belong. Following fashion trends, spending money, watching things that will give me 'funny quotes' for a rainy day.

Rarely do I offer this, but I have decided to include a "letter" in which I have written to God. Although I don't seem like it, I love to be wooed by my Creator and my Lover. I am not a hopeless romantic, but I love to LOVE God. Before I lay my head down at night I write a letter to God. I rarely mention prayer requests unless it weighs so heavy on my heart that if flows from my pencil. Instead I write in adoration of my Savior, proclaiming that He is who He says He is, and I am His. They are my intimate love letters to God, but ones I am in no way ashamed of....

Wise Counselor,
I have sought wisdom, understanding and works to be the very things that defined my relationship with You. I have neglected to see that NO WAY or HOW can I possess a relationship or heavenly understanding unless presented before the cross. I do not value a leader's skill, but rather their God given desire to submissively and humbly follow You. Before the cross I am nothing, in this world I am nothing, but by the blood that Jesus Christ spilled out flowing relentlessly upon me I am Yours! I praise you God for speaking to me and assuring me, that NO earthly knowledge can ever surpass the great Kingdom knowledge You provide. I am foolish and I pray that through the blood on the cross you will forgive me and that you will protect me from the attacks of this confession. May I never possess the knowledge that a human being of the flesh might consider "great" for all things great are in You and from You. I love you Father and I praise Jesus for His life and humble obedience to be crushed. May You also crush me for the glory of Your Kingdom.

Love your servant,



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