Doubt is a Foolish Man

Be not deceived, God is not mocked - Galatians 6:7

I am a huge fan of the great theological thinkers, philosophers, teachers, apostles, prophets, and preachers... such as John Wesley, Charles H. Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, John Piper, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Raavi Zacharias and many others. I have read over some of their work and listened to their sermons and have been ever so grateful to their God-given obedience to suck in the breath of God, and by His Will release it to a dying world.

Yes, I am grateful. However, to sit and meditate on Galatians 6:7, I realize the countless times I am deceived. I go to a sermon for hope, a book for answers, a video for truth. I sometimes fail to realize that it is not my pastor's faith that will get me into heaven, nor will the words or sermons of the men above be my solid ground when the earth shakes. Doubt lurks at every corner like a bad smell in a dumpster, inevitable and strong. I will not take away what faith God has given them, BUT to simply rely on an individual will not give me strength nor salvation. Where must I go for TRUTH?

As I opened my Bible the other day, in an effort to "learn" more about God, I realized I opened it religiously. I didn't know if God had anything in store for me. I wasn't sure if the passage I would read, would be right... In fact I didn't even think there was a power in this "living" scripture. As soon as I realized this, I immediately fell to my knees, "God, speak to me. Your words are here in front of me. Breath them into me, write them upon my heart, and give me nothing else to think about. Everything You have said is true, is real, is life giving. I'm here for you, and pray that you receive all Glory...". The thing is, I saw this Doubt creep into my mind, "Scripture is just words on a page... You were not chosen to read and interpret... You can't understand because its not real..." words of the enemy. I couldn't mockingly read the Bible. How could I? How can anyone?

After praying to God, He answered so tenderly and so sweet in John 15. Here is where I realized that being a part of God, abiding in Him, meant reading and believing what He has to say (Psalm 1). I wanted to open it and for God to speak to me. I wanted badly for Scripture to pour into me, write upon my heart, and fill my mouth with honey. But the moment I opened the Bible, I realized that if Scripture were truly the Word of God then why do we not take every opportunity to dig in, read, eat, and breath the Word? Why must I still have Doubt whisper lies into my ear? Why must I have days where the Word of God seems so appealing, and then days where the Bible seems like a complete bore?

I believe Martin Luther put it best when asked this type of question...

"To such a person no better advice can be given than that, in their first place, he put his hand into his bosom, and feel whether he still have flesh and blood, and that he by all means believe what the Scriptures say of it in Galatians 5 and Romans 7. *Secondly, that he look around to see whether he is still in the world, and keep in mind that there will be no lack of sin and trouble, as the Scriptures say in John 15 & 16; 1 John 2 & 5. *Thirdly, he will certainly have the devil about him, who with his lying and murdering, day and night, will let him have no peace within or without, as the Scriptures picture him in John 8 and 16; 1 Peter 5; Ephesians 6; 2 Timothy 2."

Doubt feeds the lies and false promises that get right under my skin and burns. He works for the enemy full time and seeks to destroy all who believe that Jesus is the Son of a living and powerful God. This sweet Jesus who, many many MANY years ago walked the earth I live on, was tempted and over came Doubt. Doubt couldn't keep my God in the grave, Doubt won't keep me in the grave because I cling to Christ. So please, be not discouraged when doubt comes... because he seeks those who believe and he seeks those who want to believe.

... and one day he will be my footstool.


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