Someday My Prince Will Come

Every little girl dreams 
of princes and frogs...
and a kingdom far far away. 

I still do.

Not that kind of prince...
 (though Harry would be nice)
But actually, the story of a 
Prince who captured my heart
by dying for me.
You see, I'm not a princess.
In fact, I'm a wretch. 
Broken and dying.
Somehow, someway a good Prince
looked down on me and found
the bride He always wanted.
I resisted.
From greed, lust,
and dust, I arose.
The good prince whispered
but I didn't hear.
He laid a velvet blanket in the heavens 
and placed jewels in them
but, it wasn't enough...
Somewhere along the way
I crossed paths with
the Great Deceiver 
who had promised 
me there was something better...
The Deceiver said, if I'd try
this magic fruit, I would become wealthy
and I'd never be sick... the Deceiver said
I'd be whole.
He said I could create my
own life and fairytale.
He said I was beautiful,
but that I could be more beautiful...
He handed me the fruit.
It looked so sweet and enticing,
but when I ate of it, 
the fruit became bitter
and poisoned my very soul.
I was doomed.
All the promises of
wealth, health, beauty, and love
were soon compromised...
I stole.
I lied.
I murdered.

Finally, I was convicted.
Sentenced to death...
The Deceiver knew, I'd fail.
He also knew,
the Prince, loved me.
In a Kingdom,
far far away, the Prince
grew in fury because, now,
between us, was death.
He stepped off His throne
and set out to save His bride
in a place of pain and sorrow.
 A place so broken and thirsty.
He came...
The Prince roamed the desert
40 days and 40 nights
with no food or drink,
sailed the storming sea
on a simple sailboat,
fed thousands,
was sought by thieves,
leapers, and prostitutes,
and ate with the orphaned bastard.
The Prince chased
evil spirits out of people
and into pigs,
raised a girl from the dead.
He calmed the storm.
As if that wasn't enough
He took my place on trial...
and even though I chose evil,
He was sentenced
to death.

Flogged, beaten, bruised,
nailed... He took the beating
meant for my transgressions.

An innocent Prince
took the poison from my 
soul in exchange
 for His life.

Now, the Prince,
was a powerful Prince.
Yes, He died. 
No breath.
No heartbeat.

But in Death
He met the Deceiver
and told him,

"while you may still have
power in this kingdom,
it will not last forever...
I will take what is mine
and come back for my bride..."

Death could not hold him.
The grave could not keep 
him down.

For a love so great 
broke death of its power.
He had to see His bride
one last time before 
He returned to His kingdom...

After seeing my Prince
hang on a tree and
breath His last breath,
my eyes were opened...

The whisper that I could
not hear, became clear.

"I will not leave you or
forsake you, my beloved."
My heart broke.
For the Prince, had died...
But within me,
hope resounded for my Prince
would not lie. 
Then at a distance
I saw...
My eye begot me.

For it was my Prince!
I ran. I felt so alive!
He ran too...

He embraced me,
and His warmth enveloped me.
I felt at home.
Past forgotten.
Future before me.

The Prince, then whispered,

"I will be with you, always.
I will never leave you or forsake you.
I go home, to prepare a place
for you in My Kingdom

My beloved, I am yours 
and you are mine.

I shall return for you.
I shall return."

And with that, He kissed
my forehead and left.

Within me, I carried His Heart...

And to this day,
I await the wedding bells
and His return.

Someday, my Prince
will come--back.


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