preparing for rain

Sleeping in my room, i awoke to the thundering and pitter-pattering of the rain on the apartment. i didn't dare look outside, first i was too tired, but second I just wanted to enjoy the beautiful melody, that the combination of rain and thunder were making. As i was enjoying His blessing of rain i began to think about how God will sometimes send us rain in our lives to help us grow. The rain of suffering, success, failure, trials, upsets, blessings... the rains of life.

Lying there i realized that this type of rain was a necessity, ready or not. Regardless of the destruction it might bring we need the rain. i for one am afraid of what the rains will bring. i'm afraid that the rains will strip my comforts away. But before God sends the rain He wants us to be ready. We should constantly be preparing, praying, reading our bible, and seeking for a more intimate relationship with God. The time before the rain is hard. It’s that constant feeling of uncertainty and doubt. Sometimes you sit in the wake of the storm, surrounded by the commotion and still you're affected, it won’t be long until you are in the storm.

Recently God put it on my heart to prepare. Prepare for what? Change. A radical change. God has called me to prepare for some tough storms that are coming. Tests and trials that are on their way, because i have chosen Him. i'm excited to say that i have put my future in His hands. i’m not perfect, and therefore i will make mistakes. BUT i will not sit and simply wait for these trials or tests. i will prepare and in the midst praise God. College is not what i thought it would be, my future is not what i imagined. Its better, now that God is in control. i know the only way to truly grow is to invite the rain. i will praise Him now, when the waters are calm. i will praise Him when its storming, and then i will praise Him after. Whatever glorifies Him, i invite it with open arms and an open heart.
So, God sends the rain. Why am I scared? Why do I worry? To say that my God, the creator of rain, is not in control is to say that i will surely die in the downpour. God has brought me to life and my prayer is that these floods will strip away everything that is ungodly, to bring Him more glory!


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