A Piece of My Heart

If you get a moment 36 minutes,
feel free to watch what friend and church IT
made from my "testimony" sharing on
April 29, 2012 at my home church in Floresville.

Public speaking makes me nervous,
so really, just bare with me.

Among the many things Father taught me,
this story was a life-changing moment.

Thank you, Go Now Missions,
for your commitment to sending out
Texas student-missionaries.

Many laborer's have been sent,
and the seeds have been planted...
and planting still.

for spurring my growth in Christ,
and giving me a segue to share the Gospel.

Truly, your mission statement to
"Empower the local church to serve the most vulnerable"
will always be my vision in non-profit PR ministry.

Enjoy, a piece of my heart.


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