Sister Style: yes she cANN

Wearing BOLD head to toe?
Yes, she cANN.

Blazer: Ann Taylor | Blouse: Ann Taylor | Pants: Ann Taylor | Heels: Target (similar here, buy these now!)

Oh, hey Jinx. Glad you could make it in. 

Yeah, so my sister rules. About 70% of the time she dresses like a cool teacher, because she's a teacher. Then 10% of the time she wears her college decorated sports clothing while she lounges around doing projects and working on stuff for grad school. The last 20% she gets her sassy on and works at Ann Taylor. That's usually when I'm like, "let's do a sister style picture."

When we* {yes I said we} picked out this outfit, we wondered if there were too many bolds. Did the corduroys clash with the delicate blouse? Did the necklaces take away from from the business aspect of the outfit? Were these valid points?

In the end, we ran out of time and she ran out of the house and I chased her with a camera in hand. 

I liked the bold head to toe. I'm a fan of mixed textures. The print added some sass and the blazer added class and the necklace, well it was the glue between the shirt and pants.

Pull it off?
Yes, she can.
(You can too.)

Happy Monday!
Be bold. Wear bold.

*I should note. My sister only requests my help on days when she's running behind and I'm in want of a picture. Her style is completely her own and from time to time, we all need a little inspiration and encouragement. 


  1. I'm a huge fan of fun photos with happy faces. So, even though I would've liked this look anyways, I'm enjoying it so much more with the fun factor! :o)

  2. Awesome snap shots!! You and your sister definitely got talent!! It's amazing how colorful your outfits are, I love it!!! Red and blue is one of my favorite combos and that necklace is just perfect with the rest :) Jinx is so cute! He must be such a lucky cat with two girls like you and so much nature around him~ And - I answered your questions!! hehe

  3. It absolutely works together! I wouldn't have thought to piece it together, but she ROCKS it.

  4. obsessed with the red and blue combo. So darn cute. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'm sharing my surprise gift from Lauren Conrad on my blog today as well as a giveaway. I'd love if you'd swing by. xo

  5. You are absolutely adorable girl! Loving this outfit, and the mixing of bright colors :)
    xo TJ

  6. love the outfit and the mix of target with a higher priced brand! bold is a great way to dress and when i wear bold i feel more empowered like watch out world, i will conquer you today!

  7. She makes all these bold pieces look fabulous together! I especially love all the punchy colors!


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