Africa Advent: Creation

The story of creation bewilders me. Every time I read Genesis 1 + 2 my mind races to a new idea, a new picture and I can't fathom any of it. God hovering over the vast emptiness. And when He spoke, it was. He breathed life into being. All of it, God said, was good.

I see God's creation all around me. The pinnacle of it--humanity--I hold in my arms and wipe tears from its many faces.

Advent reminds me that a baby came and changed everything. 

Tears may come but when He comes again there will be no more tears. Nothing could keep us from His love. Not even the curse of death. Christ came and He'll come again. 

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them... And God blessed them." Genesis 1:27-28


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