Africa Advent: Little Faith

The Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you…” So Abram went. (Genesis 12:1-4)

Abram is my hero. When the Lord called me to the nations, to leave my country, He didn’t do it audibly. He showed me through His word and in the still silence. I read Genesis 12-21 and through Abram, later called Abraham, God showed me that simple obedience and little faith in God could accomplish BIG miracles.  

I didn’t want it to be said, “Heather waited until she had enough money. She hung around until she’d sold her car. She stayed until she knew where she needed to go.” No, I went and I did it in faith. Not of my own accord, but by the grace of God.

I see Abraham question God a few times and yet cling to the promises of God. Yeah, he wasn’t perfect and he did some pretty shady stuff. But Abraham obeyed and when God promised him that he’d be the father of many, and that he’d send a savior through his bloodline it seemed hard to believe. A God who created the heavens and humanity could do anything He said He’d do.

He promised He’d send a Savior and He did. The Savior said he’d come back and He will. I cling to that promise excitedly and in anticipation.

*Photo by Heather K. Moss


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