The Good Fight

Matt Chandler on Authority... Please see below.
The Good Fight
On sanctification, making war against sin, and cannibalism in the New Reformed movement.
How does authority factor into sanctification?

An authoritative church is very attractive, as long as that authority is used to shepherd and not to bruise. Sometimes I have to talk to people very honestly, and that can be painful. But first I have to make sure they know I love them. Leaders shouldn't wield authority; they should shepherd toward truth.

I tell other pastors that our authority is a lot like our authority as husbands. That means if you have to talk about your authority, you've probably already lost it. I don't tell my wife, "You know the Scriptures say I make the decision; you follow me." If I have to say that to my wife, I'm already in a lot of trouble. The same is true in the church. We are to shepherd with authority but not become tyrants. That is a mistake some guys make.

Please check out the rest of his interview, where he shares view, philosopy, and the Gospel being lived out through The Village Church here:


What I love about his response is its real, honest, and to the point. I want to embrace being a woman, and its difficult to do that when men are not being Men. The whole church needs that masculine role to stand up, to defend, to lead, to serve. I've been bothered lately by this "authority" business, not because I can't stand authority, but because its difficult following someone whom is chasing after some idol, after power.

I believe Elisabeth Elliot said it best, "A real woman understands that man was created to be the initiator, and she operates on that premise. This is primarily a matter of attitude. I am convinced that the woman who understand and accepts with gladness the difference between masculine and feminine will be , without pretense or self-consciousness, womanly."

God has asked me to embrace my femininity. I have been challenged to encourage the men in my life to practice servant leadership and support them with their challenges. To continue to be a Sister, pray for them and love on them, share with them what God is doing in my life. To make more of an effort and lifestyle of caring for the sick, the broken hearted, and practice hospitality. But finally to promote inward beauty of others and myself, transformation starts from with in, and will work its way out.

My deepest concern is for the Church, whom I serve and love. My Christ laid His crown aside for me, for you, for all sinners! Following false leaders and chasing after glory (not for God, but for themselves), is most certainly my biggest peeve. No person can do what God had done and that is that. Of course, I'm not perfect. No where near, but I'm learning my role in the church and slowly but surely I'm accepting it. In fact I want to embrace it. Will you accept yours?


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