Day 8 & 9: The Persecuted and Chains

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Not really a long post today.
It's been a little rough, meditating
on this group... Solemn, perhaps. 
Surreal? Definitely.
I'd much prefer you spent time 
reading this site:
 ...than my post.

An excerpt from Francis Chan after
spending several months in India:

"The church overseas was pretty much what I expected:  devoted and passionate.  Leaders in India explained that it makes no sense for a person to make a casual commitment to Jesus in a place where there is persecution.  Only a person who genuinely believes would endure the suffering that goes into being a Christian.  I was blessed for the chance to talk to people who were beaten for their faith.  Especially memorable were a couple women I met who were kicked out of their villages for following Christ.  Pregnant at the time, they gave birth in the jungle with only their husbands by their sides.  As they shared about the struggle to find food for their children, I realized I had nothing to ever complain about..." (Read more HERE.)

 Pray for the persecuted church.
Pray for their release.
Pray for their ministry.
Pray for their faith

2 Corinthians 4:8-11
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 Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, 
and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.  
(Hebrews 13:3)

I did a ministry a few years back with my church called One Day With God. It was my first experience with Prison. Years later, I'd be more exposed to prison with my friends from the street.  

Needless to say, my heart never hurt like it did when I saw a little girl, who had never seen 
or known her father hesitantly lean into my leg as she accepted a flower from a man grinning ear to ear wearing a white jumpsuit...

She took the flower, smiled, and stepped forward and hugged, for the first time, her father. The father cried silently while the daughter giggled freshly painted face had now rubbed off on his cheek.

She was maybe 5 years old...

A tear managed to escape my eyes.

Whatever the child's father did, whatever he had done, whatever he didn't do, for one day--didn't exist.

That truly is a day with God.


None of us deserve forgiveness 
for murdering the only Son of God, 
a man who was actually innocent. 

God not only forgives, 
but also takes our place on trial...

Pray for those in chains.
Regardless of circumstance,
persecution, wrongs...

For the grace of God is great
and covers a multitude.


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