30x30: 19 - Be the ONE
This outfit didn't come easy. I've been eyeing this dress and top together for a while, but I'd relented about the pair of them on my body, in fear that I'd be disappointed. When I put it on I walked around the house practically begging for approval ("Are you sure this looks alright?"). It wasn't necessary, but for some reason I wasn't taking "that looks good" and "sassy sister" as the right compliments or seals of approval...
Regardless of all my hesitancies, I left the house in the outfit I wasn't sure about. I was vulnerable and confused.
At school, I couldn't tell if the looks my outfit got were "oh, good try," "that's interesting," admiration or down right distaste? I didn't know.
But later in the evening, on my way to walk an errand, that's right, I said walk not run... I saw a homely woman in the distance. She had a limp, wore SAS shoes and had on a dated bulky sweater. Already on edge and with nothing but me, my outfit, this woman and the wide open road, I felt all eyes were on the outfit... Far away, I refused to look at her, but as we came within 15 feet of one another I tried to do a discrete glance, which turns out to be impossible for me. Go figure.
Anyways, to my surprise mid glance, I saw a woman with warm eyes and a smile that melted my heart begin to open her mouth. "You look so lovely" was all she said in a kind and sweet voice, then she quickly looked down and passed me by. A shocked and very low "thank you" escaped my mouth.
All the previous thoughts and feelings were washed away by FOUR words. Four.
I share this with you because I want everyone to know that all it takes is ONE person to share ONE compliment and make ONE persons day. She was sincere. She was a stranger. And I may not see her ever again, but she taught me an important lesson. I have the power to make someone's day with so few as FOUR words.
I encourage you, that if you see something someone does and appreciate it... tell them. Be the ONE to make a difference in someones life.
That is all.
*Photograph assistance by Yesenia Caloca, thanks girly!
what a nice post...and so true! when someone goes out of their way to pay a compliment, you really know they mean it. and for the record, i agree with her!