30x30: 15 - Halfway Hippie

Maybe I became obsessed with headbands after seeing Lord of the Rings and the flawless Arwen Undomiel with her long locks and exquisite braids intricately adorn her head. Maybe Jimi Hendrix and his bandana inspired my summer's go to outfits?

What can I say? I love the tree loving people. Especially the ones from Rivendell. 

Before I completely nerd out on you, I'd like to give myself a pat on the back. It's Outfit 15 of 30 and I now only have 15 to go. Half full, people. Half full. 

As I wipe the sweat off my upper lip, you can just sit back, relax and eat turkey. Better yet, eat some for me too, because I don't eat meat. Gasp! Yeah, but that doesn't mean I won't go cray cray at the table on T-day. It's always a fight to the death for mac 'n cheese. Forks out and ready.


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