30x30: Day 7 - Pleats and Thank You

Meet Lil' Wayne. "How you doin'?"

First things first. It appears to me that I always pick the time of day when the sun pierces my irises and creates this 'face scrunch' that looks a lot like a grin. Even Lil' Wayne in Pic 3 is scrunching his eye... Just an observation.

Secondly, my little sister is a Hair Connoisseur. Seriously. Look what she did! (Gosh, that sounds a lot like my childhood...) Anyways, she's a gem and I always fall for, "hey, sister can I try something on your hair?" Yes she may. Forever.

Third, the details of this outfit. As stated before I'm a little layer loopsy. Socks did accompany this outfit (curvy girls can have fun too). You can vaguely see my dread in Pic 4. I did say "Hand Me Down" next to my blazer and that's because my little sister found it in the garage, previously owned by my grandparents. And finally, my dress. Yes, the "skirt" looking piece from Day 2, found here, is not a skirt, but a dress. Sure the colors were beauty to behold, but look at her. Baby got back. The dress. Not me.

So there it is, pleats and thank you for reading my blog.


  1. Heather, I love these color combos- so pretty!! And I love the top knot- I am waiting for the day that my hair is long enough :D


  2. love the color of your skirt and that top bun is gorgeous!:) btw love your blog name!
    xx Kate

    The Style Department


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