30x30: Day 5 - Simplicity

Leonardo Da Vinci was painting the Mona Lisa's lips on a cloudy day when he said, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Ok, maybe he wasn't painting the Mona Lisa, much less her lips, but he did say 'simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.' And you know what? I couldn't agree more.

Sure I wear some pretty crazy colors. I layer. I mix textures. A lot of people say, "only you can pull that off" (which is a statement I don't believe in). You can pull of anything with confidence. Unless you're the 'People of Wal-Mart," but that's beside the point.

There have been many times where I start throwing on accessory after accessory. A scarf. Earrings. Bracelets. Three rings. Tights. Sock warmers. Then I'm overwhelmed. My sister says, "I think you've gone overboard with the accessories..." And then I take off two of the rings and the sock warmers and suddenly the world is at peace. The ultimate sophistication.

Maybe I tried being to couture? Meh.

Do you believe 'simplicity is the ultimate sophistication?'


  1. oh I love your blouse :D

    X Jenny

  2. Too gorgeous!
    followig you,xo


  3. You look like your having so much fun in those last pictures! Love those shoes :)


  4. Beautiful outfit and your posts are very nice! Would you be interested in following each other?
    Dasha x

  5. I love simplicity, but maybe only because I'm too tired in the mornings to find all the accessories that would go with what I'm wearing - and I'm not confident enough to wear crazy patterns.

    And I wanted to say that I love the name of your blog!

    1. Thank you! Girrrrl, you can totally pull of crazy patterns. But yes, I agree. When you're too tired to find accessories, just stick with simplicity.


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