Belt it Out... Feather Style

Heck yeah I found this belt at a vintage hole in the wall here in San Antonio, Texas. Heck yeah I bought it. Heck yeah...

Heck yeah. Not everyone else feel the excitement? Ok.

So the moment of truth: this outfit picture wasn't taken around Easter*. *Editors note: I only say that because I know other people will be posting their "Easter Best" and here I am sweepin' up winter's dust in a turtleneck.* In fact, it was like two weeks ago... when it was actually "cold" outside. And  I don't think I can honestly say "cold" anymore since my visit to Alaska. San Antonio doesn't get cold. It gets chilly.  Negative five = cold. Sixty = chilly.

So about this belt. My eyes perused the entire store and narrowed in on this belt and a vintage letterman that didn't quite reach my arm's length. That's not embarrassing for me, but the jacket, since I'm one of the shortest armed people alive. To each his own. 

Back to the belt. Do you think it's a bit much? If you saw this at Forever 21 or Zara would you buy it? How much do you think it is? How much would you pay for it? Those are the real questions. The questions which my Monday brain will consume and devour till Tuesday.


  1. 1st...I want your skirt! Ok, now that I got that out of the way, I keep starring at your belt. I feel like if I wore it, it might give me special powers or something! So, does it? :o) As for being a bit much...nah you Rock it!!!!

  2. Oww...Love it!!!

  3. so cute babe! love it! xx

  4. Super cute!

    xo Jennifer


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