SPF Nothing + Putty Stuff


Practice swinging or a miss? You'll never know.

Well, I think I can officially say, "golf isn't my sport" and stand by it. I signed up for this little outing via work event, because beginners were welcome. I thought it'd be fun...

Certainly the golf carting proved a fun time, especially when I drove. The people we teamed with in our "Scramble" were fun. However, seven holes into the game my sister and I became a little whiny and a little winded... only an 18 hole game. Psshh-yeah.  

Hole #2... Rockin'
{via Insta}
Not to mention, though I'm going to, the sun showed it's bright face and we didn't quite prepare for *five hours in the sun. *I don't know? It may have been more time. Irrelevant-ish.*Also, we were a little whiny/winded because we didn't eat lunch before we started at noon. We thought the "cart girl" would ride out to us on an actual hot dog stand and take orders... when she showed up with a cart and an ice chest our happiness dissolved. What good is she? However our counterparts ordered their drinks, so she served her purpose. I promise I'm not bitter. 

In the end we did finish finally with a sunburn, empty stomach and semi-smiley face. My respect for golf remains the same. It's a sport I don't get. The ones who do it, "more power to ya." The end.


  1. Love the scriptures on the Toms. That's a "Firm Foundation", "Walking in Love", etc...all day long. :o) Oh and "Statement Shoes"!


  2. I've never golfed before! But I know I suck at mini golf, so I can only imagine REAL golfing, ha ha!
    But I wouldn't mind going in that gorgeous weather of yours! It's currently snowing in my neck of the woods. SNOWING! Half way through April :(

  3. Aren't you swanky! Way to celebrate the Masters and look cute doing it ;)


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