Ho Hey Let's Eat Flowers

Everything worn was thrifted.

One of my sisters, and I'm not saying which, used to sneak into the refrigerator and eat butter when she was a little girl. She would literally grab the stick and eat it. I'm not making this up. This memory came straight from the horse's, er, her mouth. She turned out fine! Great, really.

I found this hilarious; however, she felt like she needed to dig up some dirt on me. I told her, "the only thing 'weird' I used to eat (and still do) is the little purple flowers that grow wildly here in Texas." That's pretty weird, I thought, but not enough weird for my sister. She wanted more. So we went to the mother of information... our mother. 

"Did Heather eat anything weird when she was little?" said my sister.
"Like what?" my mother responded.
"Like how I used to eat butter from the fridge" said my sister, irritated.
"Not really. Heather ate a lot of fruits and vegetables. Nothing weird" my mom said confidently.
I laughed.

Now there's really no moral to this story, just clarity and reasoning of how I turned out to be a pescetarian (fish only) who eats a lot of fruits and vegetables. If you think I'm bragging, I'm not. I just think sisters are hilarious and when (not if) we fight, I just rub some butter on it. Ha, she's such a butter person than me. 

Out. Of. Puns. 
Out. For. Good.

Ho Hey it's Wednesday!
(we're halfway there)


  1. My brother ate butter too. He once tried to eat Crisco, because he thought it was butter. He argued back and forth and kept yelling "Burtter!!!" and putting his spoon in the Crisco. He is now an adult and likes peanut butter and tuna sandwiches...I think something happened to his tastebuds! :o)

    I love how this outfit really compliments your figure! Really shows off your tiny waist. Have you seen "tutorials" for knotting a long belt? I've found 'em on Pinterest (of course).


    1. Are you on pinterest? I could use some tutorials! Maybe you've pinned some? Either way I'll look it up. I do have two very long belts and this one I've worn on my waist and on my hips.

      PB & Tuna?! That's interesting. Maybe I could dare my sister ;)

    2. Yes, I'm on pinterest...but since I took so long getting back to you, I bet you've already found what you're looking for without my one little lone pin. :o)


  2. Haha butter to have a crazy sister than to be the crazy sister! Bahdumchhhh {Pretend that's a drum roll}

    1. The most appropriate pun reply (and a great onomatopoeia, if I must say so myself). ::applause!::

  3. I love the boots <3

    Anyway I think that's sweet. Haha. For me though, I think it's weirder to eat flowers than butter. X3 I'm guilty of sneaking and eating butter too. And peanut butter. And cheese.>A<

  4. Hahahahahahhaa that's so funny!!! I used to love eating sandwiches of loads of butter with maple sirup, some people find that strange for some reason. I thought it was delish!! Looking very cute btw, I'm loving your striped skirt!



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