A New Favorite Photo - The "After"

First THIS.
My name "HEATHER" in cat font, found here
I'm sorry. I'm freakin' out because I love it.
Go cat name yourself. Go.

Day 17 - A favorite photo of yourself and why.

A new "favorite photo..." 

Favorite photos are a funny thing for me, because I like photos that capture the essence of who I am and what I'm about.

The picture above is a new "favorite photo." A few reasons... One, because it's actually a cute photo. Sometimes I don't photograph well being a goof, and my sisters can attest to that. I make a weird face and it's actually just weird. No "cute weird" just weird. I'm mad talented at making quadruple chins. However, that will not be posted on the internet.

Two: my beautiful friends got married. Their photos are here and the photo booth (including the pic above) is here.

Three: It's the "after" picture, kind of. You know like the weight loss "before and after?" 

You see back in 2009 all the way through 2011 I put on a lot of weight. I skipped freshman 20 and put on Junior (stress at it's highest) 35. At the time I knew I let myself go, but I didn't know how or where to start to get back to healthy. It felt so far and so impossible. In 2012 I began with a fast, and wrote all about that here. I learned a lot about self control and honoring my body, but that's for another time. So here's to being 30lbs down from my heaviest weight ever and four sizes down to healthy... I feel pretty good.

Of course I had to add these favorites in here... I mean that sweet little Sudanese baby has my heart and I'm thankful to the photographer who captured that moment. The rest are all special times in my life... I see them and I remember and feel those moments. 

What's your favorite picture? 
I wanna see! I wanna see!


  1. That first picture of you is so great, it looks like you are just having a blast! Makes me wanna join in on all the fun :)

  2. I really love my profile photo!
    http://dressupnotdown.blogspot.com/2013/03/petticoat-junction-episode-2.html Third photo is my favorite in that post. I have a favorites page over on my blog that I keep adding to. :o) I really have so many more, but they're not on the WWW so not linkable.


  3. I seriously LOVE that picture! It looks like an add in a magazine!!


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