Every Raindrop is a Waterfall

There's nothing to explain here. I can tell you quite simply: I love rain. Especially the kind of rain when the sun is out smiling, and clouds of dark grey contrast cross a light blue sky and unzip a shower of blessings on a parched land... It's the kind of rain that, I remember as a little girl, I would run barefooted puddle to puddle, my hair down, my eyes and mouth open, laughing because my mom let my sister and I go free.

I think of those few times when I had no cares in the world, except an occasional sticker, and think of them when I need a happy place to escape to in the midst of pain and growing up. Every raindrop is a waterfall of happiness.  Crying is part of growing up and certain things can be washed away clean by the downfall of mercy. There's always hope post downpour, which is my favorite part. A certain promise in the sky that reminds me, Someone out there loves me and loves a broken world. A world whose colors have faded, but are adorned by a Great Hand's creation... 

There's a lot of things you can't capture on camera. The smell of rain for one. I grabbed a few rays that broke through the flowers and filled the frame with warmth. I am slightly compulsive when it comes to water droplets and guessing their release. I tell you. I sat on the ground in my dress, waiting for that one drop above to fall... I waited and waited. I was ok with waiting until water seeped through my dress. 

I guess some things are meant to be.

What weather makes you nostalgic?


  1. "Every raindrop is a waterfall of happiness" - love that.

  2. these pictures are beautiful!


  3. I love rain too! I cannot wait until it starts raining :)

    xo Jennifer


  4. rain makes me feel so nostalgic <3 love these images


  5. The fall always makes me nostalgic -- football, pumpkin EVERYTHING, fried food at the state fair... some of my most favorite childhood memories. I try to slow down and enjoy it as much as I can (especially since we don't really get seasons around here!). :)


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