Inspired by Super Bowl XLVII

Post Super Bowl XVIIL I went to sleep feeling inspired and optimistic, almost like I'd witness something epic. It wasn't just the commercials (because we know there's been better... just saying). It wasn't the just the game (though it proved a good game). None of that. I really think it's the fact that I didn't have homework to worry about or school to go to the next day. So for the first time, ever, I just enjoyed the game in it's entirety. I felt entertained and even {gasp} inspired.

There were several things that caught my attention during the whole Super Bowl bonanza. I've decide to make a list, because paragraph form seems a bit much. Here we go...

1) Good writing can make a BIG impact: The Farmer commercial

Writer of "Blue Like Jazz," Donald Miller, tweeted: God said “I need somebody to write a good piece about a farmer.” So God made a writer.

Yes. Yes. Yes. The speech made by Paul Harvey back in 1979 was compelling then and did not fail to compel now. I heard my mom say from another room, "Is that Paul Harvey?!"

The beautifully written and clearly spoken piece had my friends updating their statuses and saying, "I'm going out to buy a Ram tomorrow..." and " next car is going to be a Ram." 

For the writer in me, aspired to once again write. Like the sun coming up, a tinge of hope made it's way to the surface: "Don't give up writing, when it will echo through the generations." 

It's a rare thing to be 'inspired to write' by movies but even rarer to be inspired by a commercial. 

2) Photography prevails

Who sent in their pics for the Pepsi halftime show commercial? If you did, awesome. If you didn't, no worries. I didn't either, BUT I feel that I missed out majorly. Check out the halftime gallery of the photos used in the commercial. Cool right?

Seriously, from the Pepsi montage to the Farmer commercial, photography revealed it's powerful stance in the arts and media. It won't stop, so neither should I.

3) Curvy girls are beautiful girls

Can I get a hoo-rah! for these beautiful ladies embracing their killer curves! Seeing J. Hud was an 'awe moment' for me. The bangs. The leather. The skirt. AWEsome.

This curvy girl {me, in case you were wondering, which I'm sure most weren't...} couldn't have been more inspired to embrace my momma's hips after these ladies took the stage.
4) Adoption is winning

Heard the stories on the pre-game shows. A friend posted this on her Instagram. I love this so much.
5) "Landslide" will always make me cry (in a good way)

6) Quarterbacks. Need I say more?

via google
7) The elderly are underrated

Always... I mean watch 'Off Their Rockers.' Motivation and inspiration: Life gets better.

Anything you'd like to add to the list?
What inspired you about the Super Bowl XLVII?


  1. Curves are alaways in. I loved Jennifer Hudson's outfit. Her and Alicia Keys are always so classy.

    I didn't know about the football players who were foster kids. What an impact it's made in their life.

    And that horse commercial... I cried too.

  2. Thanks for sharing the "Farmer" commercial! I had heard about it, but hadn't seen it. It was just as powerful as everyone has said. The Clydesdale was definitely my favorite and a tear jerker :)

  3. I'm a Canadian, I'm into hockey over football any day so I didn't happen to watch the Superbowl. The fact that those two guys were adopted is absolutely powerful and inspiring. Also, I think way too much emphasis is placed on being stick thin. We need to embrace our hips, who cares if our thighs touch, and just be happy with ourselves. Be healthy, but be happy with who you naturally are.

  4. Great inspiration! Although I was a little heartbroken the 49ers didn't win :(


  5. Such a fun post! I really enjoyed the superbowl this year too! Probably enjoyed all the food more though...


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