30x30: 25 - Sunrise or Sunset

If I had to choose between sunset and sunrise, I couldn't. The sunrise offers renewal and hope with it's golden pink veins pumping life into the sky. But when I see the sunset's deep purples, reds and blues, dance together in the vast heavens, I sigh a breath of rest and relaxation.

Evening has come and soon the stars will congregate. The stars are my favorite. Don't tell the sun. And Little ol' me falls in love all over again with the One who made it all.

So enough of that romantic stuff... mainly I was just enamored by the sunset today and how well it complimented my outfit ::wink, wink::. Did I wear the sunset or the sunrise?

On a side note, let's talk about senior 2012 pic #2. Too posed? Meh.

So, which do you prefer,
Sunset or Sunrise?


  1. You look fabulous in that color, that's for sure. I think I prefer the sunrise...it's so underrated because no one ever wants to get up early enough to see it, don't you think?

    If you have a minute, we're doing a giveaway on H&J. See you there, hopefully!

  2. I think I prefer sunrises, with a good cup of coffee. I think you wore the sunset, pretty dark oranges and reds. Lovely pics of you. Where did you get your earrings? They look like a Stampin Up dahlia embellishment.

  3. awwww :) thank you for your super sweet comment! stinkin' adorable is what appplies to you too! I thought this expression is just too cute!! (English is obviously not my first language so I'm always excited when reading such expressions which are new to me..)
    Your turquoise necklace and ear rings are beautiful and match the warm color of the outfit so well! I really love your face! =) Oh, and I enjoy your writing so much! I couldn't decide neither... but maybe it's the sunrise for me too... :)


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