30x30: 28 - Dirty Pretty Things

This was my last day of school... I will now take a moment of silence (you can too, if you want) to remember all the struggles, heartache, success, loss, learning, laughter, friends, enemies, good test grades, bad test grades, As, Bs, Cs, papers, professors... all of it. I don't want to forget a second. I begin Finals this next week, but I've already got grades in two of the five classes I'm taking. Phew!

I've had harder semesters, but I've really pushed myself hardest this semester in terms of comfort. I loved my professors and the inspiration and hope they poured into my life through project challenges and their vibrant passion for teaching. They pushed me too...

I think the last picture captures my final thoughts on school. Nothing has been easy and at no point did I ever see that "light at the end of the tunnel." It was there, but I didn't want to focus on that. For too long I'd put my hope in that light at the end, when I was missing all the beautiful people and opportunities around me. Eventually I just closed my eyes and prayed the Lord would continue guiding me through, what He led me to. And by 'closed my eyes' I mean, I just let go and let God. It's made all the difference.

College is a 'dirty pretty things' kind of time. Nothing makes sense going from dot to dot, class to class. But when you're done and you look back, every dot connects and your hard work will, in some way, pay off. I'm not holding out, I'm holding on... because I believe Proverbs 16:3.

"Commit your work to the Lord,
and your plans will be established."

**Special thank you to Charlie Young for the pics today. He's working on his final projects too, so I appreciate his help! Please be sure to take a look at his series on flickr and final project. Super talented! 

Also, we may or may not have jumped a wall to get these shots, but by golly, I'm so glad we did!


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