30x30: 20 - Food and Fashion

I'm convinced I'll meet the man of my dreams at Whole Foods, Central Market or Trader Joes... It has nothing to do with the hoity-toity atmosphere and everything to do with the food. Yes, yes. I get it. It's no meat market... oh wait. Well it's no gym, but the guy who buys almond milk and vegan broth is my kinda guy. Plus if he's shopping there we likely speak the same heart language.

I told my sister this today when we went to Whole Foods for lunch and she wasn't buyin' it. My theory, not the food. She bought that. Mainly she's just confused as to why I would reapply lipstick to go into a grocery store.

This I can explain. Samples. The food kind of samples. They take that color right off... but anyways, I tell you all this because  on a day where I look good and feel good, I'm going grocery shopping.

If you see me there just pretend you never read this and compliment me on my outfit in front of the cute boy I'm lurking behind. It'll mean the world to me.


  1. I wouldn't have minded meeting a guy in one of those places when I was single! You look SUPER duper cute and I love those sunglasses!

    1. Haha... Well Janna, your love story is great the way it is. Will seems like a Trader Joes kind of guy ;).

  2. Love the scarf & jacket! and the sun glasses are so cool!


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