30x30: Day 2 - Be Bold Wear Bold

Top: Ann Taylor | Dress: Urban Outfitters | Scarf: Simply Vera | Shoes: Madden Girl 

I think you're ready to hear a little story... a story about a girl... girl named Heather. Girl named Heather that had 30 pieces of clothes to chose from in her closet. I'm referring to myself. When I say Heather, it's me Heather.

I know you look at me now and think, boy she must have breezed through these 30 pieces. Not the case. No, this was not easy choosing out what I'd wear. Okay? It's work for crying out loud! Like professional work environment, work. A place where people throw fashion darts at your every bold piece of clothing and expect loafers and black dress pants. They called me a freak. Do you think that I let that break me? Think I went home to my mommy crying; 'Oh, I don't have any fashion admirers.' No, I did not...

I pulled an outfit together bold pieces and all. I slipped on a scarf and some loud feather earrings, literally they jingled. Now I have admirers outside of the office. Maybe a salesman who came to the front desk? Maybe a woman in the parking lot? Maybe you who reads this will admire the outfit? I'm only begging.

If this sounds familiar to your situation (corporate America) let's make a pact. We will wear bold in the workplace. We will not back down. Ok?

Editors note: I'm obsessed with Bridesmaids and I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry, I'm not sorry. Megan is hilarious and that scene makes me laugh and cringe the whole time.


  1. I absolutely love Bridesmaids. And I love your outfit. It isn't something I could pull off myself, but you look fabulous. Can't wait to see Day 3!

  2. I absolutely love this outfit choice with all the color blocking!! You are too funny, girl! So happy I stumbled across your blog today ;)
    xo TJ

  3. OMG you lil fashionista! How cute are you?? Sometimes when I wear crazy bold lipstick at work and people at work call me a hooker...I think to myself I wish my fashion icon Feather was here! Come back to WR lil feather!

    1. Ade!! I miss you like crazy. I happen to LOVE bold red lipstick on you. Wan ku jechalahay!

  4. You are so cute! Love the whole outfit!

  5. I really love your outfit. :)
    The shoes looks perfect :)


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