Happy Birthday to Me.

As it turns out, I like being 24. Of course, I've only been 24 for a few hours (officially), but still. I think it's a nice age. There's many perks and life lessons I've learned so far, some good, some not so good... It's been a fun ride.

I'm single and I love it. I wear glasses every other day, because my contacts irritate my eyes. I graduate in December! ::Applause:: That's when I'll take a much deserved bow. I bought a car at age 22, and paid that baby in full. Now I look at my car and occasionally kick the tires. Piece of junk!

I've been to two Austin City Limit (ACL) concerts and saw Cold Play (one of my favorite bands) and Red Hot Chili Peppers (one of my other favorite bands). I saw Prince William get hitched to my girl crush, the lovely Kate Middleton. Jealous. I've witnessed enough Olympics to say I'll never go (as an athlete, just to clarify), but I'll always be a devout fan. I've ran two half marathons. Been to Mexico. Voted in TWO elections. I lived with a girl from Iraq and learned some Arabic. I've driven a mini-van, with people in it, as a volunteer, on several occasions. A mini van people. I have ONE dread on my head, but it's only a half dread (long story). I became a lacto-ovo-pesco-vegetarian and I love it...

Enough about me? OK, I'll stop. Besides, things were getting random, well, not getting... they were.

But I would like to take one moment to thank all my family, friends and people I see (or don't see) everyday for smiling, laughing, commenting, encouraging, discouraging, dreaming, creating, complaining and picking me up or picking someone else up. I'm not four anymore, I'm 24. But everyone needs love and everyone needs a helping hand. So if you don't get anything from what I've said, be sure to help someone out. If you didn't do it today, you can do it tomorrow. May your sunrise be as brilliant and beautiful as your sunset. (And may another post not be so cheesy.)


  1. Had no idea it was your birthday yesterday! ^^'' Happy late birthday! ^-^

    The Krystel Book

  2. Happy (one day late) Birthday!!!! My b-day is the 7th :) Novemeber babies are the best!!!


  3. You are SO cute! Happy Birthday, girlie!!

  4. Ha! Sounds like your 24 years have been full of fun! Happy Birthday!

  5. Just found your blog! Hope you had a happy birthday!

  6. Just found your blog as well! :) Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like a pretty awesome year you had! haha I liked this cheesy post :D looking forward to reading more of you!! greetings from switzerland~


    ps: I'm turning 24 on the 10th hrhr..


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